Maplewood Technical Synth Modules

Tempered Chance Tempered Chance Duo Beta 42 Tegg Rangefinder Zed



Stuff below consists of an ad hoc assortment audio/video examples that were around. More will probably be made, or at least gathered, and added here...we shall see.


Tempered Chance

Videos related to applications where a pair of Tempered Chance modules were used:

A Familiar Thing – A simple gate-to-clock linked pair experiment.
Deckard 2019 – A pair of sequencer modules going at it with a hint of melancholy.
Tape Delay – Setting up for a drone video plus a bit of experimentation.


Tempered Chance Duo

Two-part pieces (audio) done with the Tempered Change Duo (TCD) module:

Distant Music – Sequencer channel A plays changing patterns of just four notes in E major (1st, 3rd, 5th, Oct), driving a fairly common VCO-EG-VCF-VCA module combination, which feeds into a digital tape delay, resulting in a mushy wavering drone sort of thing. Various parameters are occasionally modified by hand, while the basic drone pattern swells, until sequencer channel B plays a second slower random note part, in the same key but an octave or two higher, using a similar module combination. Then things just fade-out like they came in, which is very slowly.

Distant Music: 12-Bar Blues – The sequencer plays something similar to that of Distant Music, and things are tweaked by hand, but at about the middle of the piece the sequencer moves among E major, A major and B major, in a typical (albeit slow) blues progression. Sequencer channel A is playing a sort-of lead, and channel B a sort-of bass line. (Believe it or not.)

Four Minute Song – Tempo and melody pattern parameters are adjusted manually during the number, while the sequencer itself comes up with the specific notes for the changing patterns, and for the droning bass line.

Duals in Various Scales (video) – Here we run through 35 different 12-tone-based scales on the TCD sequencer module, starting with an 8-note scale and ending with just octaves, as the demo progresses. Two auto-generated 8-note patterns are played in parallel, each a few times before re-generation to make new patterns. The synthesizer outputs are in stereo, with sequencer channel A playing on the Left and channel B on the right. In the video, just to keep things interesting, the TCD screen alternates between display of the channel A and B sequences, stopping briefly in-between to show each new scale, which always remains common to the A and B sequencer channels.



Quick "Smoothness" Test – The integrated optical range sensor, in the Rangefinder (RF) module, generates a signal, proporational to hand distance, that is set to control signal level at one of the four RF module outputs. The output (A), which is set to operate in a smooth (unquantized) CV mode, is patched to the speed control input of a digital tape echo module (Magneto).


Beta 42

Chord Progressions – A demo of setting-up the Beta 42 for use in a multi-oscillator configuraiton where a foot controller (pedalboard) sends single note pitch voltage signals, but the Beta 42 generates chords.